[Toy] A Tale of Legends

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Saturday, August 31, 2013

Toy has posted a new item, 'A Tale of Legends'

On the hunt for some Masterpiece Transformers for some friends, I found myself
wandering through the wayward aisles of my local Toys R Wot?? On the way, I
spied the fact they had some Marvel legends Figures.And let the Story
begin!!Ooooh! says I, I need me a nice Wolvey. I had a look, Oh my! there were
so many Wolverines. Oh, Look! I exclaimed to myself excitedly, Its Captain
America too! I need one of them as well. Oh no, what a horrible face sculpt.
Digging through the peg display ensued and I happened upon some orange guy with
an atom symbol on his chest."I dont know who this guy is. And what the hell is a
Hit-Monkey?!?!??? I happened to look up at the ticket price.Whoa! Thirty
Dollars??? Thats a bit rich for a Wolverine. My enthusiasm waned but I continued
to window shop. I stood there perplexed briefly before a dark square hidden
behind the muscles of the unknown muscle toy caught my eye. What could this be?
I thought to myself. I proceeded to investigate and "Oh dear, that is a really
awesome Archangel figure I want one, Alas, there were none on the shelf, but
never giving up easily and being a resourceful fellow, I did spy some extra
packets on the storage shelf above the normal shelving. It was not within easy
reach.One thing I should mention is that the magical place known as Toys R Wot??
seems to exist in a staff-free dimension. Being a fellow well aware of
occupational health and safety within the workplace, my first instinct was to
find a staff member and ask them to climb a ladder that was temptingly close by.
However as one could surmise, in a staff-free dimension, the wonderful things
known as staff are not easily acquirable. Much like my Archangel it would seem,
assuming there is one up there in the first place. I made a quick lap around the
area looking for staff and apparently I wasnt the only one, as other customers
almost mistook ME for a non-existent being as well. The ladder was still near
by. Tempting me, calling my name seductively.Tets, Teeeeeetttttsssss, come climb
me. You can reach many lofty heights if only you would traverse my gilded steps.
All that you desire will be within reach [assuming its there]. It whispered this
last bit.Oddly though I had this horrible feeling that if I grabbed it and
dragged it to where I needed it, it would create a lot of noise that might draw
out a staff member. Strangely enough, the thought of this filled me with a sense
of dread, yet looking back on it, that was exactly what I wanted.Unperturbed by
this irrational fear of being inundated with non-existent beings, I formulated
another plan. One that I seem to fall back on fairly regularly.Checking that my
aisle was clear of witnesses, I assessed the shelving situation.
Tall? Check.
Sturdy? Check.
Clear bottom shelf? Check.

Things are looking good for the plan. Once again I assessed the area for
witnesses which might intrude. None.The plan is a go! Being a taller than
average chap, I used this to good advantage, with a sturdy foot I placed it on
the bottom shelf, which conveniently had a clear spot for my foot. It must have
been destiny!One hand grabbed a nearby head height shelf for balance and the
other reached over the storage shelf lip and reached for the Legends packets
stacked upon it.REEEEAAACH. First packet nabbed. Boo, More Muscle guy.
REEEEEEACHSecond packet nabbed. Eauurgh, ugly faced Capt. USAREEEEEACCCH.Third
and fourth nabbed. Another Muscle guy and , OH HELLO. She-Rulk. not what I was
after, but a nice looking figure. ifyaknowwhatImean.REEEEAACH Only two left,
come one, I thought to myself. Desperation was setting in.Fifth packet. Dammit,
another bloody Wolverine.Final REEEEAAAAAAAAAaaAACCHHHH and STREEEETCH. This was
a hard one, I was on the brink of not only my reach, but also giving up.I
touched it. Just. Knocked it over and it was easier to get a hold of. Pullll,
and OH NO, dropped it. Skilled hands made the catch, I still hadnt looked at the
pack.I look down. And Oh my, its so beautiful. It was a sexy winged Archangel
looking at me. Tears in his eyes saying Thanks for getting me out from the back
of the storage shelf there Tets. I am so beautiful, give me a good home
please.Sure thing Little blue fella, I replied, a little exhausted from my
mighty efforts to free him from his shamed space in the back corner. Slowly I
made my way to the checkoutsAt the checkouts, it would seem that I managed to
escape the staff-free dimension. Odd though as I hadnt seen a portal
anywhereVerily I ventured unto the checkouts with Archangel in hand. Knowing
full well he will cost me $29.99. I patiently wait for my chance, and
boop!Checkout says no I tell the operator its thirty dollars. This isnt good
enough, even after I offered an extra cent. She arranges for a price check. A
staff member appears and decides to go check. Naturally I worry. Can a staff
member survive in the Staff-free dimension that he must surely cross? I await,
in fear for his life. I dont want to see another person die in another lonely
dimension for a measly price check.Much to my relief, he reappears. Much to my
chagrin, it was five minutes later. To add to my chagrin, he couldnt find the
price. Seriously? I thought to myself. I dont work here, have more interest in
Transformers than this toy and I found the price straight away.Toys R Wot????
lives up to its name once again! Huzzah!As a strategic move to avoid the
dimensional crossing once again, he decides to use the computer to look up the
price thing. The very same computer he was standing next to when originally
asked about the toy. A few seconds later, info received, payment processed, my
eyes have rolled for the last time and I ventured with my new found friend into
FREEDOM and the carpark.

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Best regards,
More about[Toy] A Tale of Legends

[Paloma Shopway Semarang] Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus-Oktober 2013)

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Paloma Shopway Semarang telah meluncurkan produk terbaru, 'Pakaian Wanita
Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus-Oktober 2013)'

Pakaian Wanita terbaru Paloma, edisi 26, Agustus-Oktober 2013 Mint,
Exit,Sophistix, Merryke, Finale, Nicholas Edison, Dress Up, Julia, Lime
Collestion, Ultimate, Atmosphere, Beyounique, Rodeo, Majique, Expand, dll

Untuk [...]

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Best regards,
Paloma Shopway Semarang
More about[Paloma Shopway Semarang] Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus-Oktober 2013)

[Paloma Shopway] Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus - Oktober 2013)

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot

Paloma Shopway memiliki produk terbaru, 'Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26
(Agustus - Oktober 2013)'

Pakaian Wanita terbaru Paloma, edisi 26, Agustus-Oktober 2013 Mint,
Exit,Sophistix, Merryke, Finale, Nicholas Edison, Dress Up, Julia, Lime
Collestion, Ultimate, Atmosphere, Beyounique, Rodeo, Majique, Expand, dll

Untuk [...]

Keterangan lengkap tentang produk Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus -
Oktober 2013) dapat Anda baca di

Hormat kami,
Paloma Shopway
More about[Paloma Shopway] Pakaian Wanita Katalog Edisi 26 (Agustus - Oktober 2013)

[Toy] Constructabots Ultimate Optimus Prime vs Megatron

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Toy has posted a new item, 'Constructabots Ultimate Optimus Prime vs Megatron'

My pile of loot from BBTS arrived this afternoon. It had some Kreons, Ruination
and more Constructabots. So of course the first thing I did was dive in looking
for Optimus and Megatron.
Both figures come with roughly the same piece count as a triple changer, and
both have lots of extra kibble that isn't actually used in their default modes.
A lot of it is just recolored bits from other figures, but I dig the colors.

So, pictures.

The box for size comparison.

Skeletons are more colorful than most sets, so I thought I'd post a picture.
Plus, you gotta love those head sculpts.

Both have minor differences in the standard transformation. Megatron faces the
opposite way as most figures (like I said, minor) and Optimus has arm kibble
that makes his rear wheels actually have less wiggle.

All in all, I really like these guys.

Plenty of extra pieces for customization Nice choice of colors Translucent
pieces are a nice touch Awesome head sculpts Optimus doesn't suffer from rear
wheel terribleness Megatron has nice feet Optimus has Bumblebee's swords,
probably my favorite weapons released so far Cons:
Almost the exact same transformation as everyone else Reuse of several pieces,
just in different colors (I'm actually planning on building a list of all the
available pieces and what sets you can get them in) Megatron is missing a
wheel, hopefully that's just my set and not a wide spread issue like
Starscream's terrible head.

So, if you're on the fence about these guys I'd say this is the set you should
pick up. Yeah, it's $35, but you get both Optimus and Megatron and they really
are fun to play with.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to try putting Megatron's wings on to Ironhide
to see if I can make him a triple changer. (Speaking of, is there a place on
this forum to post pictures that aren't really shots of an entire collection?)

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
More about[Toy] Constructabots Ultimate Optimus Prime vs Megatron

[Toy] Transformers Masterpiece: Alert MP-14

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Toy has posted a new item, 'Transformers Masterpiece: Alert MP-14'

When Takara Tomy announced that the next two Transformers Masterpieces were
going to be Lambor (Sideswipe) and Alert (Red Alert) I was excited, as I'm sure
every other Transformer fan was. However I wasn't sure I wanted to drop the $ on

You may view the latest post at

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More about[Toy] Transformers Masterpiece: Alert MP-14

[Toy] 100,000 Visitors

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Saturday, July 13, 2013

Toy has posted a new item, '100,000 Visitors'

July 10th 2013. Approx. 10:30 PM EST.

Product Reviews Canada has just passed 100,000 views.

So far we only have two reviewers: Charles and Fiona. But we could use more!

To become a reviewer contact charlesmoffat {atsymbol} charlesmoffat dot com.


You may view the latest post at

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More about[Toy] 100,000 Visitors

[Info Resep] Empal Sapi Bumbu Rempah

Posted by Toko Online Blogspot on Thursday, July 4, 2013

Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Empal Sapi Bumbu Rempah'

1. Rebus daging sapi dengan air yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya serta
berikan air jeruk nipis 1 sdm pada rebusan tersebut. Rebus hingga daging sapi
2. Setelah daging sapi empuk, angkat dan dinginkan.
3. Iris daging sapi setebal ½ cm lalu memarkan dengan pukulan daging.
4. Haluskan bumbu yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya meliputi 4 siung bawang putih,
3 siung bawang merah, 2 cm jahe, 1 cm kunyit, 2 lembar daun jeruk purut, 5 butir
cabe rawit merah, 2 butir cabe merah besar, 2 butir kemiri, gula merah dan garam
5. Siapkan wajan dan minyak minyak goreng untuk menumis.
6. Tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan.
7. Setelah bumbu setengah matang masukkan 3 lembar daun salam, 1 batang sereh
yang telah digeprek, ½ sdt merica bubuk, 1 sdm kecap manis, dan gula
pasir secukupnya.
8. Setelah bumbu harum dan semua tercampur rata masukkan daging sapi yang telah
dimemarkan sebelumnya.
9. Tumis hingga bumbu tercampur rata dengan daging sapi.
10. Masukkan air secukupnya agar bumbu pada daging sapi tersebut bisa meresap.
11. Masak hingga daging sapi empuk dan bumbu meresap.
12. Angkat selagi matang.
13. Sajikan selagi hangat.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Resep
More about[Info Resep] Empal Sapi Bumbu Rempah